Monday, November 9, 2015

OrganicMind . . . A healthier you! Detox!

Detoxing . . . 
A fad or a habit?
Dr. Eshe Faizah agrees that detoxing is very necessary and should be a regular habit! And yes, there's a ton of information found everywhere about detoxing . . . Nothing new, but detoxing the body, mind, spirit has become a necessary process due to the toxins floating in our atmosphere contaminating our bodies. Foremost, consuming processed foods is just plain ole not good. Just think about the types of foods we consume that have no nutritional value . . . Harmful "stuff" that cannot not pass through our digestive track . . . It just sits there . . . Yuck Junk in the Trunk . . . Or in the colon. And what better time to detox! Just before the holidays arrive! Your body will be flushed and functioning well and will love you back. Take the time to read this very informative article and contact Dr. Faizah if you have questions or want to consult with her. about transforming your diet. She'll help you get on track!

5 Most Effective Ways to Detox Today! 


noun: detoxification
1. the process of removing toxic substances or qualities.
o medical treatment of an alcoholic or drug addict involving abstention from drink or drugs until the bloodstream is free of toxins.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, to Detox is to stop taking unhealthy or harmful foods, drinks, and other substances into your body for a period of time, in order to improve your health. So when we decide or commit to a Detox, you are making a conscious effort to change your Life as you know it today. You desire Change…And if you are “tired of being tired”, a Detox is just what the body ordered. Change is not always easy, but the rewards are worth it. Here are my 5 Most Effective Ways to Detox!

Mental Detox
- Everything in Life begins in the mind. So does Detoxing. You want to be healthy and Live longer and this is just one of the things that you are willing to do to make this a reality.

- You are bigger than those donuts and Big Daddy’s Rib Shack and you can control what you eat, think and do. Write out several positive statements or affirmations on “who” you truly want to be during this time and carry them with you and read them throughout the day. This reminder will get you back to your center and to your larger purpose.

- Eliminate Junk - TV, Junk Radio, Social Networks, Computer Time, unless absolutely necessary for your job. T.V’s that stay on all of your waking hours, and fill your mind with worry. And the worst thing is to fall asleep in front of the T.V. It fills your subconscious with so many negative thoughts and that you act upon without realizing it…the worst type of toxin is subconscious. The subconscious is the seed. Have you ever sang a song, over & over again, in your mind and really didn’t even know the words? You’re just going “Laa-la-la-hmmm…hmm-oh yeah…”

Begin to move waste from your mind, negative news & energy from negative people, until you can eliminate them. Many of the things that we allow in our mind are not for our “Highest Good” and are very disposable. If you miss it, well, there will be another “hot mess” waiting for you in a few minutes. Stress is a major contributor to all of our major illness and “dis-ease”. I’ve worked with Women that have heavy cycles, or migraines, all directly related to work-place stress. All of this confusion overwhelms your Spirit and wears you down, exhausts your mind and body, in fact, its’ called “Data Overload”

According to Dr. Lynda Shaw, a Neuroscience & Psychology Lecturer at Brunei University, “When we are inundated with emails, Twitter, Facebook, Social Media, Search Engines, like Google, its’ as if we’re expected to know more than we actually do, and we can’t retain that level of information, that bombardment. When we feel overwhelmed, we start to delay making decisions.”…When you Detox, your body requires a release from these so that you can totally release all of Life’s toxins…and begin anew.

The Solution
Spend time in Prayer and Meditation daily, so that you can hear your “still small voice” or “Inner voice”. This voice keeps you connected to your Heart, Soul and what you truly know that is important to you…You want to hear this…this is the rudder to your Life. Buy or make a special Journal to capture your ideas and thoughts. Use a Book that is Spiritual to you, that has the wisdom that you can connect to and enhance your imagination and give you the freedom to feel that everything is possible and that gives you Joy! Your “A-ha” moments will come to you after you release the noise and you will be planting new seeds by allowing your heart-spirit to be heard and soar. Write down all of the ideas that come to you during this time. They are gems of the Spirit, please believe it!

Emotional Detox
You will need support during a Detox, especially, when starting with the Mental Aspect first. If possible, join a Sistah Circle, or Detox Support Group or Detox with your good friend, brother, spouse or partner. In this way, you two will be there for each other and can relate and support one another. There will be people that notice the immediate changes in you. Because, you will not desire to gossip, discuss the latest episode of RHOA or chat about Celebrity Divorces. People will say crazy stuff to you when they see you changing. That’s okay. Shed nay-sayers, quickly…even the ones in your head. Resolve old guilt & regrets, and maybe even get some Professional counseling, that you should have had after that last divorce or break-up. Take a meditation course. Use your affirmations and continue to write new ones. Spend time getting more sleep, resting, being in natural environments and just being quiet. Because your awareness has been heightened, through the movement of the toxins, you are different. Expect Incredible Things to Happen. Love Yourself. Thank the people that have helped you in your Life. Be grateful. Keep a Gratitude list. Clean out your closets & move your furniture around. Give stuff away, that you haven’t used in a while…shake up your flow of energy. Take long herbal baths to assist in eliminating toxins and to relax the muscles.

Give Thanks for Your Life!

Here is a recipe for my 
favorite herbal bath:

Herbal Lavender 
Detox Bath
1 pound of Epsom Salt
½ cup of Lavender Flowers
1 cup of Lavender essential Oils

Mix all of the herbs and essential oils into a bowl, stir well, put into sealed Glass Jar for highest quality.
Use ½ cup of your Herbal Lavender Detox Bath Salts under running water to make a luxurious bath.
(I like to use a ¼ cup of Organic Shampoo in my tub for incredible bubbles)

“Move Your Body . . . Even the Trees Dance"

Physical Detox
You know you have a plan…you also have a treadmill, a bike, a jump rope, yoga pants and a yoga strap, plus a full set of weights…Time to put your plan into action. Do you need a trainer, a boot-camp or work-out partner? Maybe you do, don’t see this as a sign of weakness, but support for your goals…just get a 2 week routine started…usually, anything done for 2 weeks becomes a habit. You are sloughing off old habits and acquiring new ones…so do everything possible to make it happen…Daily!

The physical aspect also consists of using herbs & foods for detoxing, I have a great line of detox herbals, that have assisted people in achieving great Health, from the sarsaparilla full body detox to the foundational parasite de-wormer, and the well-loved herbal detox soap. These herbals help to remove the crevices of toxins that are accumulated from our food, air, water, perfumes, clothing.

One of the biggest threats to our civilization and our health are the EDC’s or Endocrine Disruptors. According to the 2013 Who Endocrine Study, “Worldwide, there has been a failure to adequately address the underlying environmental causes of trends in endocrine diseases and disorders.”

What are Endocrine Disruptors?

“Some endocrine disruptors can act directly on hormone receptors as hormone mimics or antagonists. Others can act directly on any number of proteins that control the delivery of a hormone to its normal target cell or tissue.” (2013 Who Endocrine Study-(2), Page x)

These trends in EDC’s have led to low sperm count in (40%) of males, fibroid tumors in women, a spike in type 2 Diabetes around the world and issues with the thyroid and hormones in people and animals around the world.  “Close to 800 chemicals are known or suspected to be capable of interfering with hormone receptors, hormone synthesis or hormone conversion. However, only a small fraction of these chemicals have been investigated in tests capable of identifying overt endocrine effects in intact organisms. The vast majority of chemicals in current commercial use have not been tested at all." (2013 Who Endocrine Study (3), Page viii)  This includes many ingredients included in many popular perfumes, cleaning products, artificially scented candles and plug-in’s, and carpet, plastic products, children’s toys and synthetic clothing. Stuff you use every day without thinking about it.

List of the issues that are affected by Endocrine disruptors are:
  • Early onset of menses in girls
  • Non-descended tested in boys
  • Breast Development in Boys & Men
  • Excessive weight gain in children & Adults (New term for these toxins called “Obesegans”)
  • ADD & ADHD
  • Prostate & Testicular cancer in Men
  • Declines in wildlife populations
  • Male Fish that turn into Female Fish (And Female Baltic Seals also have Fibroids)
  • Breast & Uterine Cancers
  • Fibroids, Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Infertility
  • Delayed Menopause
  • Decreased Bone & Mineral Density
  • Increase in Type 2 Diabetes
  • Systemic inflammation & Immune dysfunction
  • Human Population declines
(2013 Who Endocrine Study (3))

Detoxing regularly helps to reduce and remove these toxins and keep the body balanced. When faced with all that the environment puts on us, it is our duty to eat as clean as possible. Here is when a good food-style comes into significant importance.

Food Detox
There are so many foods that help to create a clearer, cleaner body. Green foods are tops on this list.
You can’t eat too many Greens! The Chlorophyll from greens are tiny little anti-pollution machines. They build your blood, move waste, feed the cells and give the body energy.

Make sure that you juice or eat great super foods, like kale, collards, spinach, turnips, dark lettuces and everything from green peppers to avocados!Eliminate: white flour, white sugar, commercial juices, commercially replicated food (cereal), dairy, beef, pork

The solution - The basic food groups that we need daily are:
  • Enzymes (the best that you can buy) I have a Professional brand unavailable in stores
  • EFA’s (Essential Fatty Acids), like cod liver oil, hemp oil, flax, evening primrose oil, olive oil (unheated), coconut oil (great for tooth brushing, daily)and using in hot food, grapeseed oil.
  • Probiotics (Good bacteria to replace or overwhelm the bad bacteria)
  • Anti-oxidant
  • Circulation Herbal (to increase blood flow)
  • Organic Food – Reduce your toxic load
  • Alkaline Water – removes the acidity that is caused with toxins. I use “Essentia”
Our food-style is designed to help us provide what the body needs before it needs it. So give it plenty of foods in season, when you can. Eating foods in season, allows the body to use what it needs now and to prepare for the upcoming season. We don’t eat Watermelon after Labor Day, because, we then start with our heat-building winter foods. We don’t eat strawberries in the winter, because those juicy, cooling foods are designed for summer to cool the body.

Everything in its’ season

If you live in a cold weather environment, stored or frozen foods must still be eaten in sync with eating warming foods in the winter and cooling foods in the summer. Don’t know what foods qualify? I have a list in my e-book, “The Parasite Kleanzing Diet”, available on my site.
Womb Detox

Womb Detoxing allows the body to concentrate on moving the waste from the “Creative Center of a Woman’s Body and avoids future Womb issues”. Most Women think that their cycles “clean out” their wombs enough to keep them healthy…If the menstrual cycle did this adequately, 8 of 10 Women would not presently have a Womb Issue that causes them to miss work and take repeated trips to the doctor to resolve. And the resolution is unsuccessful, in many cases, which leads to unwanted hysterectomies. According to the CDC, 60% of African American Women will have had a hysterectomy by age 60 and every year over 600,000 women have a hysterectomy, it is the 2nd most common procedure among reproductive-aged women. According the the CDC Fact sheet 2000-2004,  90% of hysterectomies are elective. I’ve created an Art-Science-Philosophy called “WombLoveology” so that Women can be made aware of the "Power of their Wombs" and of themselves as a Creator. This Art-Science-Philosophy has a list of empowering words for women to assure that they “Love their Wombs” and create an environment of Love around the Power of the Womb.

WombLoveology is a part of a Woman’s celebration of her role as a Co-creator of the Universe….
And unknown to many of us, the energy of the Womb is the source of our creative energy. It is our battery, and that battery is recharged by our Healing Love & Care of our wombs, our healing connection to Nature and our healing connection to one another.

At our core, our womb is a natural spiritual, emotional & physical battery that is regenerated through the natural energy cycles of ebb & flow. This includes the cycle of the seasons, the cycles of the moon, our flowing hormones, life exercise, good, healthy food styles, and happiness.Part of our purpose as Women is to nurture & self-nurture, to develop our passions and our purpose, and to give them to the planet, while accepting and using this her-storic Womb power!

WombLoveology practices emphasize that we:
  • Nurture yourself, through conscious time-off/relaxing, restorative baths, journaling, circling with other women, eating healthy & well & hydrating our body, by drinking plenty of water and getting plenty of sleep.
  • Prevent Womb issues through regular, proactive womb detoxing. At least 1 month per every 3.
  • Regularly Detox your Body & your Emotions… Release, forgive, and begin again.
  • Take a “Womb-story” of your Women-Family to see your Womb lineage issues and practice & teach preventive womb health for the daughters, nieces, cousins and the upcoming generations.
  • Celebrate “Womb Love” Days to teach the girls & teens positive womb information, anatomy, stories about the menses, childbirth stories and the power of being a Creator. Make this celebratory ”Womb Love Day” fun, musical, healthy with food & drink and of course, massively creative.
  • Educate all Women about the physical & anatomical function of the female reproductive system. One does not have to be a science mind to understand how their body works & the names & correct pronunciation of their parts, any more than one has to be a mechanic to be able to drive a car.
  • Recognize that you are in charge of your own healing. You hire partners to assist you in your healthy lifestyle, but you make the first & final decisions. It is your Body!
  • Take a “Womb-Love “ partner/advocate with you to your Well Woman visits to support you with challenging health partners or Doctors that do not support your natural health philosophy, so that you may feel comfortable with your decisions during your appointment. This will assure respectful medical visits that will allow you to comfortably leave and report back to them after “contemplation” or “prayer”, whichever works for you.
  • Live your Life through identifiable goals with target dates to keep yourself on a personal program that inspires you in your daily Life. Women with personal goals are happier and can give more to themselves and others.
  • Invest in the idea that a woman’s womb is a valuable part of her body and shouldn’t be removed just because “she isn’t having any more children.” Hysterectomy isn’t a regular, normal activity of life, it’s an extra-ordinary act to save your LIFE. Over 90% of Hysterectomies are elective according to the CDC. In many families, a hysterectomy is a tradition or rite of passage and all of the family women have them without question. We must challenge this idea and return to a holistic view of our bodies.
When women utilize these tenets in their Life to enhance their womb love and wellness, they also empower themselves, physically, emotionally and spiritually, and this growing and acknowledged power is felt throughout all of their relationships; within their love relationship, family, community and it expands into nothing less than, outright political power. 

WombLoveology is the Art, Science and Practice of Loving Our Wombs! 
It’s Revolutionary . . . Womb Wellness
And for the men . . .
Prostate Detox
And as women are expected to assist in detoxing their womb, so men are expected to assist their body in detoxing their prostate. Using herbs to support the urinary tract, and the entire male reproductive area, this always begins with good circulation in the entire body. Good prostate health, is about being proactive and not waiting for issues to begin.

Using regular prostate detox tonics to flush out the accumulations, using parasite detoxes to remove obstructions and regularly using foods like celery and watermelon to increase the flow of fluids keep the male reproductive system strong. Not relying on the “little blue pill” that can cause blindness, dizziness and life debilitating side effects, you can keep your “Nature” strong, when you eat to maintain good blood pressure, eating plenty of fresh veggies, lean meats and drinking balanced Alkaline water and releasing stress thru exercise.

The big one is sharing your ideas, emotions and struggles with your partner, if you are in a committed relationship. Doing so works wonders in relaxing your mind and body…The list is not inclusive, but it's a good foundation for those that are beginning the journey to wellness.

Dr. Eshe Faizah (404) 244-5565
The Herb Lady

Log in to listen to an Interview with Tom Joyner, Sybil Wilkes & J. Anthony BrownJanuary 7, 2015!
(Article reprinted with permission from Dr. Eshe Faizah)

Dr. Eshe lives in Atlanta and loves books on Gardening, Historical Herbalism, African Studies, Philosophy, Anatomy, Metaphysical and Natural Law. She has blended her interests into a philosophy that she calls, “WombLoveology”, one that she is currently teaching throughout the world. This Revolutionary, pro-active lifestyle towards taking care of the Womb is empowering thousands of Women to heal themselves.

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